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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Better Than Email Marketing? RSS Demystified [web seminar]

On November 17th, MarketingProfs.com is hosting a web seminar called "Better Than Email Marketing? RSS Demystified". During this virtual seminar you will learn all you need to know to get started with RSS marketing, whether you're only interested in a quick under-an-hour and no cost implementation or long-term strategic integration of RSS in to your marketing mix. For a modest investment, RSS can fire up your marketing mix, from direct marketing, PR, e-commerce, internal communications and online publishing to SEO, traffic generation and customer relationship management. In this crash course, you will find out exactly how your organization can profit from implementing this new technology. You will learn: Speaker: Rok Hrastnik Date & Time: November 17th @ 12pm (noon) EST (6pm CET) Register here. Having participated in quite a number of web seminars hosted by MarketingProfs, I can definitely recommend them. The content and the speakers are usually very high quality and they are NOT trying to sell you anything. Attendance costs 99 USD per web seminar, but Premium+ members (like myself) can (amongst other things) attend about 20 web seminars per year for free. Want to know more about the benefits of becoming a member of MarketingProfs?

.:: posted by Tamara | Permalink ::.
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