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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Q3'05 eROI Email Statistics by List Size
eROI did an interesting study on the effect list size had on read and click statistics in Q3. They found that the middle of the week is the low point and Sunday and Friday are noticeabe high points in the week for both stats. Sending volume is thus inversely related to how reads and clicks are going to react, with the exception of Saturday. This quarter eROI decided to take a different look at day of the week stats, namely by adding list size to the equasion. They broke down lists into:- <500
- 500-999
- 1,000-4,999
- 5,000-9,999
- 10,000-24,999
- 25,000-49,999
- 50,000-99,999
- 100,000-199,999
- 200,000 and higher