What's new on B2BEmailMarketing.com:
I moved this blog to a new platform. These are the 10 newest blog posts on www.b2bemailmarketing.com (click on a link to read the post):
You'll find more email marketing articles and resources in these categories:
- Case Studies
- Copywriting
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- Email Service Providers
- Events & Seminars
- Fun stuff
- Getting started
- Landing Pages
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- Testing
- Trends
Monday, November 07, 2005
Turning Visitors to Customers with Email Marketing [webinar]
Attend the latest Webinar in Topica's Educational Series to learn the best strategies to use email marketing to turn more visitors into customers. V2C: Turning Visitors to Customers with Email Marketing Thursday, November 10th at 10 a.m. PDT Learn how to use email marketing to grow your prospect base, build relationships with potential customers and turn more visitors into customers. The agenda includes:- Customer acquisition with email marketing
- Automated database segmentation
- Behavior based automated email campaigns